New Travel Plans




April 1, 2020


New Travel Plans?

New Travel Plans!

At last once a week I receive a notice from the United States State Department that advises me to, “Reconsider International Travel.”

Reconsider?  How do I “reconsider” when I am addicted?

There are two areas of the world that are still blank on my “personal travel map.” 

I have not yet ventured south of the Sahara to Black Africa. 

I have not yet sailed to the South Pacific.

And despite my many travels I know very little about the natural world.  I can identify quartz and granite and limestone.  I know the difference between a palm tree and a pine tree.  A pigeon and a peacock.  That’s it. 

Where can I go to complete my map and also add to my knowledge at the same time?

I will fill in the two blank spots on my travel map with two fantastic destinations known for their abundant and accessible animal life.

Since these areas are remote, I hope to travel with an equally feverish friend.

A little known and little visited region in West Africa lies between Cameroon and the Central African Republic.  One of the local safari operators specializes in above ground accommodations.  It’s just a short climb up a rope ladder or a shimmy up a rope to reach the guest rooms.  The operator guarantees marvelous views of the jungle habitat.  Before I book the trip, I’ll study the travel guides to identify the apes and other fauna swinging through the Waziri Land jungle flora.    

Next winter I will consider a voyage to the South Pacific.  Most travelers, especially honeymooners, fly to Fiji or Tahiti.  But I am neither “most travelers” nor a “honeymooner.”  

My research indicates that there is an archipelago lying midway between the Cook Islands and Hawaii.  This isolated location boasts sugary sand beaches and inland lakes of fresh sweet water.  The agriculture is totally organic

Totally insulated from the world, with its unique miracles of nature, the Islets of Langerhans sound like a panacea for the stressed and a paradise for an amateur naturalist.  

My dear reader, are you an adventurous and physically fit female traveler?   Would you care to swim with me in the Islets?  Or swing with me in Waziri Land?   At night by candlelight or campfire we can discuss “The Birds of Central Africa” or “The Reptiles of the South Pacific.”

Now I’m no Johnny Weissmuller.  But I am certain that a vigorous climb or a refreshing swim will make me howl.  

Are you ready to sign up for a self-imposed quarantine?

Social distancing for two.

Me Tarzan and You Jane, so to speak? 

Feverishly awaiting your reply.

Stuck on Sukhumvit Road.

Bored in Bangkok

Trumped in Thailand.


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