Zagreb: Capital City

Zagreb   (pop 790,000)

Republic of Croatia

May 25, 2015



Every  day.  Day after day.   Hour after hour.  

Raining! Hard!

Will I ever see this city?

I do manage a slightly damp early morning stroll and find impressive Austro-Hungarian architecture.

When the sun makes a brief appearance, I venture up to the Antiques Market where I dig up some piano music.  I pause at a café and nurse a cappuccino while taking candid shots.

Here in Croatia, the cruise ship tour groups are deposited on the coast and miss this attractive city.  There’s good transportation, stylish shopping, striking architecture, cafeterias and restaurants, and music and the arts one expects in a European capital.

On my next trip to this area of Europe, I will plan to visit the other overlooked and underappreciated Balkan capital cities.

For the moment, after Zagreb, I am bound for the sporadic sunshine on the Dalmatian Coast.


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